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What will be the new normal?

In a few days, we were transformed from creatures with a decent grasp of what a pandemic means to full-fledged state epidemiologists. Now we are heading towards a 2021 that might have been 2025 given how the pandemic has accelerated digitalization and affected our view of sustainability. The new normal is formed here and now. What can we expect?

2020 goes down in history as the unlikely year. A year that has made us see the world with different eyes. We have experienced how much we miss spending time with other people both privately and at work. At the same time, we have learned to embrace digital tools that makes it even easier to interact – even though we are not in the same room.

Many people have now started to reflect on their travel habits. Which trips are necessary, and which trips can one do without? Being able to spend time on other things, save money and reduce emissions are driving forces that speak for the new normal with fewer trips. Not only regarding to business but also in private life.

What impact will the new normal have on our customers and for us at Armatec? Creating reliable and energy-efficient systems remains central, regardless of whether it concerns contracting or industry. Interest in digitalization and sustainability is rising in both areas.

Those who need to finance a property purchase can, for example, receive a lower loan interest rate for a sustainable building, as it is considered a more future-proof investment. Property owners and tenants want to choose sustainable solutions, which has an impact along the entire value chain. This makes our digital solutions for managing, analyzing and optimizing flows more relevant than ever.

Within the industry, consumers, organizations and politicians are driving development towards sustainability. One focus area is renewable energy. In wave power, a technology with the potential to produce 10-20 percent of all electricity globally, we are currently working on exciting projects. This is possible thanks to our knowledge of product selection for demanding industrial environments.

More digital, more sustainable. It is the new normal, based on what we see in surroundings.

The interesting thing is how everything is connected. Digital technology controls both our behavior at work and how our technical systems behave. In one case it leads to reduced travel and in the other case to reduced energy consumption. In both cases, the result will be the same – a more sustainable society.

In 2021, we at Armatec will introduce the concept of "sustainable flow technology". A concept that we think reflects our knowledge for the new normal and that we look forward to discussing with you.