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The Armatec story: Twenty years of flow technology

Armatec Nordic was born twenty years ago, in 2003. It was a time with no smartphones, no social media, no electric cars, and no wireless networks everywhere. Most people used a printed map to find the way, took photos with a camera, and rented DVD movies for the weekend.

Let’s take a time machine back to the starting point for Armatec. What was the idea behind the company? Why do we do what we do? And how can we benefit from our past when moving forward? Make yourself comfortable. The doors are closing.

Adding knowledge to high-quality products

The story of Armatec starts with flow technology. But … what is that? Simply put, flow technology is about creating the right flow at the right time and the right place to maximize performance and minimize energy consumption.

However, flow technology is also something that goes beyond a physical product. “Concepts for flow technology” was the business idea that separated Armatec from ArmaturJonsson, a fittings distributor that saw the potential of adding in-depth technical knowledge to its offering. As ArmaturJonsson wanted to avoid the risk of competing with its customers, it founded Armatec.

By combining qualitative, trusted, and well-known products with engineering knowledge, Armatec soon evoked interest among technical consultants designing HVAC systems and systems for industrial processes. The product brands have varied throughout the years and between the different markets, but some classic brands represented by Armatec are Bernard, Kinetrol, Leser, and Witzel.

“We are a set of specialists,” says Jens Brammer, Managing Director of Armatec DK. “Our customers know that we have the competence and process know-how to guide them every single step of the way.”

The general technical development in society has also resulted in more advanced offerings from Armatec. Measuring individual water consumption, controlling indoor climate by taking weather forecasts into account, and optimizing pump performance online are some examples of flow technology concepts that have made a significant difference in cutting operational and maintenance costs.

Here to stay: Energy efficiency and sustainability

Getting the most out of a technical system at the lowest possible energy is the ultimate ambition for every engineer. This has been the case since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Why waste energy, and thereby money, if you don’t have to?

What is new, though, is the connection between energy efficiency and sustainability. Luckily, there is no contradiction between the two. Instead, the more energy you can save, the less carbon dioxide emissions go into the atmosphere.

The Paris Agreement states that emissions must be reduced by 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. Otherwise, global warming will exceed 1.5°C. As flow technology is a critical part of the infrastructure in buildings and industries, Armatec plays a vital role in reducing emissions.

“Adhering to the principles of sustainability in all their operations is key to our customers today,” says Mika Miettinen, Managing Director of Armatec FI. “What is more, it is our responsibility and task as a company to select suppliers and products in a way that we reduce unnecessary consumption of material or energy.”

In 2020, Armatec decided to add the word “climate-smart” to “flow technology.” We still work with concepts based on customer needs, but climate-smart flow technology is the umbrella for what we offer.

If sustainability used to be considered a “nice to have,” it is a “need to have” today. The demand for sustainable technical systems is everywhere throughout the value chain – from authorities, banks, and customers to consumers and end-users. Even if, for example, potential tenants for a new office building don’t express their demands in technical terms, they look for environmental labeling regarding the construction.

Realizing the full potential of Armatec

Armatec has grown both organically and through acquisitions, and this will continue. However, from now on, the companies within Ernströmgruppen will work more closely together. This way, Armatec can launch even more customer-oriented offerings. And, vice versa, Armatec can contribute more to the other companies.

Digitalization of system platforms is a prioritized area for Armatec. The recent two-year update of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is clear evidence, and a new PIM (Product Information Management) system as well as an improved e-commerce solution are underway. Developing new calculation tools, in some cases assisted by Artificial Intelligence, will also make Armatec stronger in the future.

Meeting ever-increasing expectations in terms of customer experience is another prioritized area. Having high accessibility to technical competence should be just as natural as having high accessibility to products.

“We want to attract both clients and talents, and we aim to grow faster than the market as a reward for us doing something outstanding,” says Fredrik Ståhl, Group President of Armatec and BA Manager for Flow Technology at Ernströmgruppen. “By challenging the status quo in terms of business models and offerings, we can also maximize our abilities within sustainable energy distribution and contribute to a better society.”

Time to end the trip and open the doors. But before you leave: When people look back on Armatec twenty years from now, what will they see? We hope they will see a company that is always ready for the next twenty years, but without forgetting its core: Climate-smart flow technology.