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We welcome Roy Nygren, our new CFO at Armatec.

Armatec has recruited Roy Nygren as the new CFO for the Armatec Group and Armatec AB. Roy starts the position on August 17.

The assignment will be to further develop the finance function at Armatec. The mission is also an important part of the Armatec Group journey towards a sustainable and digital future.

For Roy, sustainability means responsibility and it’s about handing over a world with sensible conditions to children and grandchildren.

- It's about showing and proving that you can run businesses and deliver results without having to think about whether it feels ethically correct, or cannibalizing on the earth's resources in an irresponsible way, Roy Nygren says.

Our new CFO recently comes from MAN Energy Solutions, a large global company in the marine, energy and industrial sector. With his experience, analytical ability and willingness to make a difference Roy will be an enabler and a great asset for Armatec.

- I think that Armatec as a company has an exciting future. The size of the company is appealing, and at the same time you are also part of a group. With the challenges that Armatec faces, I can contribute in a dynamic way, aswell with my experiences as with my personal qualities. I also think that there is a clarity about what Armatec wants to stand for, both in terms of results and values. That's a big motivating factor for me, Roy Nygren continues.