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Armatec + Reflex = A world without compromises

As of April 1st Armatec has been distributing the Reflex product range in pressure maintenance & expansion and air- & particle separation. That gives you access to both technical knowledge on a high level and premium quality technical solutions. Easily put - a world without compromises.

The right pressure and lack of air and particles decreases the risk of disruption in your operation, increases the life length of components and improves the energy efficiency. Installation can be done quick and easy thanks to intuituve and well written menues on product displays.

Reflex drives the development of energy efficiendy forward, due to certified concepts (TÜV Nord), for energy savings. An initiativ that is completley in line with Armatec's Effergi initiative.

Read more about our new collaboration with Reflex and take part of the full official press release.