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Avoid having to inspect the expansion vessel

Do you want to avoid the demand for inspection at installation and during the vessels life cycle? We will take care of that with a vessel that is qualified as open but doesn’t oxygenate.

According to current regulations, vessels exceeding a certain size require inspection, both during installation and recurring at regular intervals. If the vessel volume in liters multiplied by the safety valve’s opening pressure in bar exceeds 1000 the vessel is subject to these rules. The inspector determines the intervals based on current conditions.

To avoid requirements of inspection you can select an open vessel with a pump instead. Armatec offers two different models. AT 8353 has been with us a long time and is a pump unit combined with a transparent plastic container. The downside to this is that the water is oxygenated since the vessel is fully open. To avoid this, you can choose AT 8354 instead, which is the same pump unit but combined with a vessel in which the fluid is always enclosed in a bellow and thus no oxygenation occurs and no inspection is required