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Measurement & Control technology

We make sure that you get the right information in order to control your process. The correct temperature, flow, speed, level and pressure gives you an excellent basis for analysis, optimization and billing.



Optimize your process

Well functioning metering is the foundation for good controlling. We work with both analogue and digital metering methods and give your controllers the best of conditions to be able to perform their task.

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Control hazardous media

Toxic media or media with high temperatures increase the risk of burns and environmental impact. We give safety extra consideration to prevent the content from leaking out.

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Create the right conditions for controlling

We provide you with the right products that give you the right conditions to monitor and control your process. That also applies when you need to fulfil certain standards, ATEX for example.

Control quantity

Do you want to regulate a quantity, such as temperature, towards a set value? We provide you with sensors and controllers that work well together and quickly control towards the desired value.

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