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Armatec participates in the technology race within wind power

Wind power accounts for just over five percent of all electricity production in the world. The market is growing by five percent annually and is expected to be worth 1,250 billion SEK by 2025. The technical development is advancing rapidly – manufacturers aim to extract the maximum possible energy from the wind sweeping over land and water. Armatec is involved through our specialized expertise in flow technology.

Growing rapidly

Clean energy garners significant interest and attracts both investors and technology companies. The world's largest offshore wind power project currently is the Dogger Bank Wind Farm, located 12.5 kilometers off the east coast of England. The towers measure 40 to 50 meters, and the project is being carried out in four stages. All parts are expected to be completed by 2025.

"We notice movement within the wind power sector," says Lars Nyvik, Business Area Manager within Industry at Armatec. "There is a willingness among financiers and politicians to invest in wind power, and the industry is maintaining a high pace to meet the market's needs. It's a classic technology race, where we make a difference for our clients by reducing development time and delivering high-quality units with the desired function."

Cooling the heat

A wind turbine converts kinetic energy from the rotor blades into electrical energy. When the energy is transformed in the generator, heat is generated which needs to be dissipated. Often, there are other components in the same technical unit that require cooling to function optimally and maintain the promised lifespan.

Since 2013, Armatec has been building a variety of cooling systems to manage excess heat during energy production in wind turbines. Typically, cold air from the top of the tower is used to produce cooling. However, the challenge lies in getting the cold air where it's needed, and this is where climate-smart flow technology comes into play.

Technical assurance

Our expertise in cooling systems spans from start to finish. We participate in technical design discussions, select the right products in the right dimensions, assemble a complete unit, and deliver it to the customer's desired location. The products primarily come from our own range, which we know well and keep spare parts for.

"We manufacture our units according to customer specifications and preferences," says Lars. "Then we certify each unit for the area where it will be installed and used. This may include certification according to IEC or UL standards."

Over time, Armatec has also developed a platform approach. This reduces development time, which is necessary in the ongoing technology race in the wind power market, cuts costs, and can also simplify maintenance in many cases.

Ready for your race

Are you working with components or systems in wind power that require cooling? Contact Lars is the Business Area Manager for industrial applications and has many projects under his belt. You are also welcome to contact Lars for any type of project where climate-smart flow technology can make a difference.

High priority area.On February 2, 2021, the Swedish Government presented a proposal to reduce the connection costs for offshore electricity production. The proposal has been sent out for consultation and is proposed to take effect on August 1, 2021. One of many examples of how wind as a power source is important at the political level.