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Make your control cabinet smarter

How about getting information about your boiler via SMS? We deliver customized control cabinets with smart features that simplify your everyday life and improve combustion.

Control & monitoring cabinets

PLC based control cabinet for biofuel plants with color display in the cabinet door where the screen also serves as the control panel. It has variable modulating control for optimization of operating parameters. The control cabinet controls the entire biofuel plant from silo to chimney. In addition to that, the boiler control screws and locks can also be controlled with the cabinet. The cabinet is adapted to the need of each plant, it also allows alarm handling since the cabinet sends alarms to the operating personnel.

Function & design

The control unit is built with a PLC that has an integrated web server. In the standard design the PLC has 3 controllers. One PID controller keeps the output temperature from the boiler to the set value by controlling the output of the boiler (eg input amount of fuel). The second PID controller adjusts the fan to keep the set pressure in the boiler. The last PID controller keeps O2-content in the flue gases at the right level, by controlling the secondary air fan.

The cabinet comes complete with necessary contactors and motor protection. In addition to this, the cabinet controls a number of motors and valves, such as input- and ash screws, dust locks, soft blowing valves etc. A hardwired safety circuit is also included in the cabinet, this is where the A-alarms are. There are also a number of B-alarms and C-alarms in order to give operators the relevant information about the plant. For occasional blackouts there are UPS that electrically feed the cabinet so that the installation can automatically be started at short power outage, up to 15 seconds.