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Environmentally friendly heating

Invest in a heating plant that is biofuel-fired for your process. It gives your company a positive environmental profile while you gain good heating economy and safe operation.

Our focus

We at Armatec are experts in boiler plants for biofuels. Our systems can handle many years of economical heat production - without hassles or surprises. We do not deal with domestic heating and we do not build large power plants. Our area is plants at 100 - 2000 kW for municipalities, living areas and businesses. Biofuels are renewed all the time and they are much kinder to the environment. Childhood diseases are concluded and most agree that biofuels will play a leading role in our future energy supply.

Secured for the future

Biofuels have the future ahead of them. They are within the country's borders and stricter environmental requirements generate benefits in both large and small scale. The Kyoto Protocol, future emission taxes and employment policy speaks strongly for domestic production of renewable raw materials. Therefore, it is wise to already consider planning for a transition towards biofuels.


Biofuels currently cost less than half of what oil does. In the future, the difference is likely to be even greater. Businesses that currently have tax subsidies for oil consumption can count on drastically changed conditions. But it's not just the fuel that is cheap - the boiler plant is a safe solution that is easy and inexpensive to maintain. The investment is moderate and we have several customers where the repayment period was considerably shorter than a year.