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Control based on forecast

Improve the indoor climate while decreasing the energy consumption with up to ten percent. You have a lot to gain by controlling the supply of heat based on current forecast. We know how it is done.

Take advantage of the building's stored energy

The climate impacts buildings, partly due to their location, height, build, building shell and usage. The building materials and construction also affect the requirements on energy supply and how much heat the building body can store in order to achieve the desired comfort. With a compensated outdoor temperature based on the condition of the building, forecast control can supply the right amount of energy at the right time. This way you can use the building's stored energy to prevent over tempering and round with heat in time, which increases comfort. We combine calculations of the building’s energy technical features with detailed forecasts for temperature, sun, wind and precipitation. The result is a control signal to the property's heating system based on a customized forecast that hour by hour takes the building's heat storage capacity and upcoming weather changes into account.

The right amount at the right time

Forecast control makes it possible to use energy such as solar and internal heat and to compensate for the cooling in windy weather. The technology ensures that the right amount of energy is supplied to keep a constant and desired indoor temperature. By avoiding overheating when it is sunny, it is not necessary to vent off the heat already paid - or even worse - cooling off the excess with expensive electricity.