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The best barrier to backflow: Knowledge

Preventing backflow is essential for many reasons, mainly related to maintaining the integrity and safety of the system. Backflow occurs when the normal flow direction is reversed, allowing contaminants or pollutants to enter a system.

There are two ways of preventing backflow: Check valves and backflow preventers. A check valve only allows fluid to flow in one direction and prevents it from flowing in the opposite direction. They are relatively simple devices and are effective in preventing reverse flow under normal operation conditions.

Backflow preventers are more complex than check valves and are equipped with additional features to provide a higher level of protection. They are typically used in situations where the water supply is at risk of being contaminated by substances from a secondary source.

Here are some examples of installations where backflow preventers are usually needed:

  • Car wash: Protecting the municipal water supply system from potential contaminants in car wash soap.
  • Healthcare: Preventing contaminants used in medical procedures or laboratories from backflowing into the potable water system.
  • Industry: Safeguarding municipal systems from the introduction of industrial by-products and chemicals.
  • Laundry: Ensuring no detergents or chemicals from laundry processes enter the potable water system.
  • Agriculture: Eliminating the risk of fertilizers or pesticides from entering the municipal water supply through the irrigation system.


Armatec backflow preventer – elevating water safety through contamination defense.

Even if check valves and backflow preventers are small components, they make a large impact. Armatec provides you with the knowledge needed to prevent backflow and thereby protect public health, comply with regulations, maintain the integrity of water systems and ensure safe and clean water delivery in municipal systems. Moreover, we can offer regular inspections, fast spare parts delivery and service agreements.

Take a step towards a successful project: Discuss backflow prevention with your nearest Armatec representative.