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Cookie policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text lines that are loaded into the computer's memory or downloaded as a file on your computer to improve reading and search on our website. Swedish law requires us to inform us about the cookies used and their purpose. Reference: Electronic Communications Act (2003: 389)

How we use cookies at

Armatec appreciates your visit to our website. We want to ensure that all personal information is processed safely. Here we explain how Armatec handles the personal information we collect on these web pages.

Your browser automatically sends information to servers when you request a page. For example, information about which browser and version you are using and your IP address. For each page that is displayed, information about date and time is stored, which page you came from, which page you are on etc. None of these data are used to identify individuals. We use this information to generate aggregated statistics that show, among other things, which pages are most popular and what information users are looking for. We use the statistics as a tool to improve our services.

The tool we use to get statistics is Google Analytics. Armatec can guarantee that users will be anonymous and no personally identifiable information is sent or shared. However, the use of our services such as Armatec E-commerce, Varmber amongst others, requires some information to be saved, but is then encrypted. has an SSL certificate installed.

How to avoid cookies

Cookies are not used to damage your computer, and most browsers automatically accept cookies. If you do not want to allow cookies, you can refuse cookies by adjusting the security settings in your browser and deleting cookies stored on your hard drive.

Below, we link to instructions on denying cookies for the most common browsers. Links and references found on can lead to other websites that also use cookies, these are not reported here.


Internet Explorer



Safari on smart devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch