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Klas Blom new CEO Armatec AB

On August 1, Klas Blom took over as CEO of Armatec AB. Klas has a long-standing past within the Armatec Group and will lead Armatec AB through an exciting journey of change.

Klas Blom has worked at Armatec AB since 2006 in a number of roles, including salesman, Product Manager, Business Area Manager and Chief Operating Officer. Furthermore, Klas has for many years been involved in developing the company's offering in customer-unique, prefabricated systems. Here's how he sees his new role as CEO:

"I look forward to leading Armatec forward in a time that offers lots of opportunities. Interest in digitalization, sustainability, prefabrication and technology development is growing stronger among our customers and society at large. Our ambition to take the lead in climate-smart flow technology is only getting more and more right with each passing day."
New trade routes and buying patterns also characterize the new direction of Armatec. Going forward, the company will invest even more in creating a faster and clearer customer service in all touchpoints. An area that is close to Klas' heart.

"I have worked with customer-oriented sales all my life and my attitude does not change because I have become CEO. We need to create satisfied customers, time and time again, in order for the company to grow and thrive. I hope that my drive in this area will rub off on the entire organization - of course with the support of clear communication from me as a leader. Now we press the start button for processes and roles that put the customer in focus on all issues."

Like many other technology-oriented companies, Armatec is investing in attracting new talent. This will also be a priority area for Klas in the future. In support is the new initiative from the Ernström concern to create an internal labour market for all companies within the group.

"We are in the midst of a generational change both within Armatec and on the customer side. An important task for me in my new role is to combine the best of our corporate culture with the needs of a new era. We have always been fantastic at creating technical solutions and we will continue to be. But it is also important that we see the bigger picture of Armatec. After all, we are going to conquer the world with climate-smart flow technology. That approach needs to permeate our culture even more clearly going forward."

For more information, please contact:

Klas Blom
+46 31 890 160

Download Press Release (PDF document, 274 kB)