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Code of Conduct

This code of conduct contain the minimum requirements for the supplier in respect of business ethics, environmental impact, working conditions, human rights, health and security issues. It concludes all business partners that deliver products or services to Armatec AB. We expect that our partners and their sub suppliers observe the content given in this code of conduct.

Armatec AB is knowledge based company with problem solving mindset for customers within flow technology. Achieved by highly skilled and dedicated coworkers combined with carefully selected manufacturers, products and systems.

Armatec AB vision is to be a leading company within the business when it comes to providing knowledge and solutions for flow technology within the areas of real estate owners and various industry segments. To be able to achieve this all operations within the group has to be executed as efficient as possible.

All collaborators connected to Armatec AB are valued members of our team where we together strive to fulfill our visions and targets through communicated strategies and shared values. This code of conduct shall act as a platform for ensuring sustainable and trustful relations between Armatec AB, our partners and customers. Armatec AB aim to build long term cooperation with both customers and manufacturers.

Armatec AB’s values should reflect all business:

  • Business oriented
  • Competence
  • Commitment


We always aim to deliver added value to our owners, customers and manufacturers using efficient and accountable processes. Armatec AB’s partners are just as important stakeholders as our employees is in our quest for success.


Our partners are important in our supply chain where basic principles for human rights, working conditions, environment and anti-corruption actions are crucial for Armatec AB. They are obvious demands to us and we require and follow up compliance also with our partners.

We want to take responsibility throughout the supply chain from our manufacturers, to Armatec AB and finally to the customer.The purpose with this code of conduct is to raise awareness and to inspire both ourselves and our partners to become a more valued company in regards to sustainability.

We expect the demands regarding quality, both in terms of process and product, to increase over the years and this applies especially to the supply chain. This means we have to adopt to a continuous improvement mindset in our supply chain and our product offering.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Armatec AB strives to be a good employer and member of society. Maintaining high morals and ethics is an integral part of our operations and efforts for continual improvement.

Our corporate social responsibility vision is to "actively strive to increase and improve living standards for people throughout the world".

It is important to Armatec AB that the products we sell are manufactured in an ethically correct way. For this reason, we ensure that basic human rights, healthy working conditions, and consideration for the environment are respected throughout our chain of production.

We require Armatec AB’s partners, producers and suppliers to demonstrate respect for the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and that their employees are treated in accordance with the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998). Each of our partners, producers and suppliers must strive to ensure that these conditions and obligations are applied in their own production chains.

We will actively support our partners as part of our own efforts to achieve our corporate social responsibility vision.

Supplier code of conduct

The code of conduct rests upon Armatec AB’s CSR from an economical, environmental and social perspective. The code is used to guide our suppliers towards these regulations that are considers especially important to the business.

General principles

Armatec AB’s principles demand that all product and services that are handled within Armatec group is maintained according to applicable laws and regulations and internationally established norms. Our target is to ensure that environmental, ethics, health and safety issues are handled within the supply chain and highly integrated in our procurement process. We expect and follow-up that our partners behave in similar way.


Armatec AB primary select partners who have share similar values as described in this code of conduct. Further we demand an openminded approach related to quality and sustainability audits where access to all facilities are needed in our aim to monitor and improve our most valued suppliers.


Armatec AB does not accept any forms of fraudulent behavior. We will under no circumstances offer or take any compensation in violation of applicable laws to improve or maintain our business. We will remain objective in our decision making.

Human rights and child labor

Suppliers to Armatec AB must respect and protect internationally established human rights, where protection of personal dignity and integrity together with child labor is not tolerated, in conjunction with ILO convention nr 138, in any part of the supply chain.

Discrimination, forced labor, harassment and abuse

Armatec AB and its suppliers shall give all coworkers same possibilities from competence, experience and performance regardless of sex, race, religion, age, impairment, sexual orientation, nationality or ethnic background. Suppliers must ensure that no forced labor, harassment or abuse of any coworker exist within the business.

Environment and working conditions

Suppliers and its sub suppliers must observe domestic laws and regulations concerning environment and working conditions. Suppliers shall avoid materials and methods that could impact the environment and the personal health when suitable alternatives exist. Safe, secure and sound working condition shall be provided to all coworkers. Suppliers shall minimize the impact on Armatec AB, directly or indirectly, from terrorism, criminal acts, natural disasters or pandemics.

Suppliers shall keep designated person for sustainability issues.
During factory visits Armatec AB’s employees shall comply to suppliers assigned safety protocols or if not available at least practice Armatec AB’s internal policy.

Armatec AB aim to contribute to climate neutral or positive business.

Conflict minerals 3TG

Armatec AB and our suppliers shall ensure that products and components handled within the business of Armatec AB comply to the regulations concerning conflict minerals. The aim is that regulations based on the US Dodd Frank Act section 1502 and furthermore the EU regulation 2017/821 shall be maintained. Suppliers shall demonstrate origin of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold according to standardized CMRT program found on

Freedom of association and fair conditions

Every coworkers right to exercise their legal rights, to join or not to join organizations that represent their interests shall be given by the suppliers.
For every employee of the supplier there should be a healthy balance between work and leisure time. Coworkers working hours and salary shall correspond to national laws and regulations alternatively collective agreements. All coworkers shall be entitled at least one day of free time for every seven days period.


Business confidentiality is a requirement for each supplier. Confidential information as well as intellectual property rights that Armatec has provided to supplier must be protected. We recommend using NDA when handling business-critical information.


Suppliers shall maintain state of the art insurances for the business and deliveries thereof. Upon request, it has to be validated.

Export and customs

Armatec AB and its suppliers shall comply with published restrictions from the Swedish Government and the European Community regarding embargo / penalties in deliveries to so-called critical countries.

Violation of the code of conduct

All coworkers at Armatec AB is encouraged to report any violation of the code of conduct to the manager or next level in the hierarchy. The supplier is also bound to keep a protected process to report any violations.

It is the responsibility of contractual suppliers to ensure the application of this Code of Conduct in their operations.

Purchasing – Distribution – Delivery

Armatec AB’s aim is to provide fast responses and maintain excellent availability for our customer needs. The target is to be scalable and flexible when it comes to market demands to achieve the best overall cost efficiency in supply chain for high quality products and systems.

The quality of the product and its packaging shall fully comply to given specifications. The products shall arrive to given destination upon agreed date, it is most important that agreed delivery date is kept and any deviation is communicated as early as possible.

Armatec AB primarly seek partnerships with suppliers that are able to react quickly and adapt to an everchanging business environment and that provides the right product at right cost. Our strategy is to bundle volumes and create competence together with the supplier in a long term relationship.

Business contingency

Armatec AB require that the supplier keep a business contingency plan. In the event of emergency, such as earthquakes, fire or pandemics, the supplier should still be able to provide as normal operation as possible.